Horizon is a FREE Responsive HTML5/CSS3 single page website build on the Bootstrap framework. It has moment and can be edited with simple HTML knowledge.
NOTE: Due to twitter not supporting their API for external third party twitter feeds I have had to replace my custom twitter feed with their widget feed. To resolve your feed please login to your twitter account, go to settings and create widget called « user timeline » then replace the following code with the code it gives you.
< section class= »tweets_list tweets » id= »tweets_list »> You need to turn on JavaScript in your browser to see tweets< /section>
- Responsive Layout
• Written in HTML5/CSS3 on Bootstrap 2.2.1 framework
• Minimal Knowledge needed to update the CONTENT of the website
• How To / Help Guide included
• Visual Movement of background
• Cross Browser Compatible: IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome
Files Included in FREE Download:
- HTML, CSS and JS files for all features seen in the Demo
• Help File on how to edit sections of the site
• Clear inline comments on key areas of the template
** When downloading this template you agree to keep the footer link that links back to this website, this is part of the terms of use for this Website Template **